What’s going on?

Weekly events

Find out what’s going on at Victory Christian Centre week by week by entering this section of our website.

Big events

We have some great events coming up in the next year. Why not explore this part of the website to find out exactly what’s going on.

Seasonal events

Why not find out what events we have coming up in the Christmas and New Year!

our events

Weekly events


We provide some cereals, dry foods, pasta, tinned meat and tinned sauces to the community around us. Please help us by bringing in these sort of food items to the church to help build up our stores again!

Ladies meeting

One Tuesday a month we have our ladies meeting which will begin at 7:30pm. It’s usually the last Tuesday of the month. Due to Coronavirus we have had to suspend our Ladies meetings currently but watch this space to see when the next one is happening! We have prayer, sharing, tea and coffee! Hope to see you at our next meeting.

Prayer and bible study

On Wednesday’s at 7:30pm we have our prayer and bible study meeting. Sometimes it will be prayer and praise, the other we’ll delve into the word and another week a combination! Come along and grow together in Christ with us.




Big events

Equip Youth Group

Christmas Shoebox Appeal

Equip Youth Group

Equip Youth Group 

Ephesians 4:11-12 says, “So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up”. This is the basis of our brand new youth group at Victory Christian Centre!

We believe in equipping our youngsters for the world! The launch of our new youth group started on Sunday 17th February. We’re on alternate Sundays!  If you are aged 15+ and are not part of a christian youth group, come along!

You’ll be taught in line with God’s word, get to share experiences and lessons from individuals your age and with a bit more life-experience in a safe environment. Our youth leaders have a heart for young people and just want to share God’s love with you!

Stay tuned to hear of our weekly youth sessions that will be kicking off in the not-so-distant future!

Christmas Shoebox Appeal

In the run up to Christmas we will be joining with the Samaritan’s Purse to make Christmas Shoeboxes. You may have heard of Operation Christmas Child and this is what we’ll be getting involved with as a church. Help us gift a child with love, prayer and a shoebox this Christmas. We’ll be collecting ready-made shoe boxes at the church however stay tuned for more information about when! Here is a link to their website for some more information.

Below is a video for their 2019 campaign film which shows us exactly what is behind this amazing idea and how it spreads God’s love at Christmas time.