Sunday service

We have two services every Sunday: one at 11am and one at 6:30pm. 

You will be warmly welcomed by one of our Ushers when you arrive, signed in, asked to sanitise your hands and guided towards the main auditorium through our one way system. There is plenty of parking nearby so don’t let that be a concern! 

Bring your children along as we also have a great crêche which unfortunately is not currently open during Covid-19 and Sunday school (that is open!) where children are encouraged to develop a relationship with Jesus Christ through socially distanced fun crafts, prayer, games and songs!


Our services are energetic, inspirational and full of the Holy Spirit. We welcome people from every nation and background to celebrate that great Gospel Message! Praise and worship is led by our talented band and the message delivered afterwards. We broadcast the preaching live on facebook! Tune into our facebook page at approximately 11:45am and 7:15pm to see and hear the Word!

There is normally free tea & coffee provided after the service in our excellent cafe however,  because of the Coronavirus restrictions, this is not possible at the moment.